Groove Templates

Here is the page to go to for your Groove Affiliate Site Templates.

If you don’t yet have access to Groove, you can gain access for FREE here: Click Here for Groove

We will be releasing more templates in the coming weeks, check back every 2 weeks for more of these :)

Update: New Share Link now available

This is a new Groove update and makes it easier to import sites and pages into Groove. 

Note: Download this image (right click and save as), you'll need it later:
Here is Template #1: CC Proven

This template is designed for affiliates who wish to promote ProVen which is on the Clickbank Marketplace.
Click Here To Download The Template
Click Here for the CCProven share link
Click Here To Preview This Template
Here is Template #2: CC Resurge

This template is designed for affiliates who wish to promote Resurge which is on the Clickbank Marketplace.
Click Here To Download The Template
Click Here for the CCResurge share link
Click Here To Preview This Template
Here is Template #3: CC IScripts

This template is designed for affiliates who wish to promote Infatuation Scrips which is on the Clickbank Marketplace.
Click Here To Download The Template
Click Here for the CCIScripts share link
Click Here To Preview This Template
Here is Template #4: CC7DayMind

This template is designed for affiliates who wish to promote 7 Day Mind Balancing Program which is on the Clickbank Marketplace.
Click Here To Download The Template
Click Here for the CC7DayMind share link
Click Here To Preview This Template
Here is Template #5: CCDSmarts

This template is designed for affiliates who wish to promote Diabetes Smarts which is on the Clickbank Marketplace.
Click Here To Download The Template
Click Here for the CCDSmarts share link
Click Here To Preview This Template
Here is Template #6: CCPPProfit

This template is designed for affiliates who wish to promote Presence Power & Profit which is on the Clickbank Marketplace.
Click Here To Download The Template
Click Here for the CCPPProfit share link
Click Here To Preview This Template
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